Category: explored

  • Statues of Riga, Latvia

    I still believe I fell in love with Riga. A little piece of my soul exists there, and I hope one day to go back. One day while out roaming around, I stumbled upon some statues just outside of a museum. The exact museum slips my memory, the but statues I’m sure still live there.…

  • Budapest, Hungary

    Every new city or country that I go to I always make sure to get a map. Maps are a must-have as far as I’m concerned, but that may just be because I’m a map junkie. Just yesterday I had cause to look up Budapest again (I watched the movie Grand Budapest Hotel and was…

  • My Family History Tour of Latvia, 2012

    Latvia is a very special place in my heart, for many reasons. One of those reasons is that my family has a very long history there. If you’re not familiar with Riga, I’ve made two posts on the architecture there (Part I & Part II). Riga is a very beautiful old city in an old…

  • Sneak Peak of the Portrait Series

    As an artist, nay, as a human my quest is to always increase my skill and ability to express what it is that I’m feeling or want to show as feeling on whatever presents itself as a canvas. In this series, this expression of emotions is coming out through facial expressions. This portrait series is…

  • The Ancient Forest, Prince George, BC

    Prince George, British Columbia has a very rare and unique forest known as the Interior Wetbelt, which is the worlds only known rainforest so far from the ocean, about 800 kms away. The wet biogeoclimatic zones associated with the inland rainforest cover more than 110,000 ha in the upper Fraser River valley. Stands that contain…