Category: fashion

  • Victorian Rose | Gidget Gravedigger

    Gidget Gravedigger (fb, ig, podcast) is a fascinating human. Her and her sister have a podcast where they talk all things horror films; clearly by her name, she’s a horror themed human. Sometimes when I talk to Gidget, she says she’s doing something like practicing her ‘horror makeup application…’ she has tarot reading nights, and…

  • Jet | Audrey Hipturn

    Every time Audrey Hipturn (fb, instagram) and I brainstorm a shoot, it’s a dream. She’s got creative ideas and great suggestions and does the extra little bit to make the shoot magic. It’s always such a pleasure to work with her, and it makes me a bit sad that her and her partner have moved…

  • Audrey Hepburn’s Not Dead

    Her stage name is Audrey Hipturn (fb), cause she’s fancy like that. I’ve been lucky enough to photograph her a few times now that she’s relocated to Vancouver. I don’t think there’s anybody else I shoot who comes as close to shooting pinup as shooting with Audrey does. The last shoot we did I had…

  • Melancholic | Bunny Sumthin

    I met Bunny (instagram, fb) in the burlesque community. She’s a member of the Lost Girls Burlesque troupe (previous posts, fb) who are turning heads and raising hell throughout this fine land. She is also a member of the Screaming Chickens, and is currently studying to become a fashion designer. When Bunny came to me…

  • Vanity | Amanda Swan

    When Amanda Swan (MM) and I started talking about this shoot, she mentioned that she had a great backyard and a vanity to use. If you know me, you know I’m a sucker for location shoots. When I arrived to shoot, she had pumpkins growing in the front yard and a molding Charlie Chaplin framed…