Category: nature

  • Spring in Prince George, BC, Canada

    Those of us living in rainforests are fairly used to all year round green grass and tulips, but most of the rest of Canada and the northern hemisphere are just losing the last of their snow and preparing for the first blossoms to spring up. It’s spring after all! These photographs were taken in Prince…

  • Autumn in Vancouver, BC

    Seasons are perhaps one of the most solid testaments to the dynamic nature of life on earth. It just so happens that in Vancouver, BC, it’s particularly mild with frequent rain. This makes for lovely growing weather for plants and shrubs and sitting around on the beach! It also requires a constant umbrella and scarf…

  • Gallery of Landscapes

    Why not cure this severe wanderlust with a collection of landscapes I’ve shot from 2012 to 2014… That’ll do the trick, right? Many of these photographs have had a whole fotoblog dedicated to them. If you do a search on the left you should be able to find more about the location. Some of these…

  • Fall vs. Spring

  • The Ancient Forest, Prince George, BC

    Prince George, British Columbia has a very rare and unique forest known as the Interior Wetbelt, which is the worlds only known rainforest so far from the ocean, about 800 kms away. The wet biogeoclimatic zones associated with the inland rainforest cover more than 110,000 ha in the upper Fraser River valley. Stands that contain…