Tag: casual

  • Tyna and the Butterflies

    I like those days where we just get in the car and go. Where you plan a bit, with maybe some water and fresh batteries and destination, but the rest is serendipity. Tyna Kottová (IG) and I picked the Butterfly Gardens just north of Victoria, BC. Everybody is different, some of us plan for everything…

  • Blonde in Black | Analissa Longoria

    Analissa Longoria is a fellow photographer who’ve I’ve been lucky enough to call my friend. She has a unique eye that’s studied far more then I have of the nuances and styles of some of the legends. I admire her vision and respect her own style that is emerging from her exploration. And I managed…

  • Dreaming with Lu Lee

    In a Gaze (day 1378) Slip sideways with a fuzzy dream And carry those loose blossoms That follow your footsteps With a delicate clutch, Simply to answer questions From far away strangers With elegant movement, Shared back in a gaze.   As always, Lu Lee (fb, archives) has made simple delight as elegant as a…

  • Casually, Aurora

    When Aurora (IMDB) and I started planning for this shoot, I said I wanted to do something casual, something where she was just being in her natural element (it’s been my goal to capture souls as of late). She responded: “I don’t know what my natural is anymore.” Aurora is an actress, a model, a…

  • Cross Ring | Kyrian Paige

    One of the most frustrating things about living and being a coastal based (Vancouver) location photographer is that it rains quite a bit. I frequently get jealous of fellow photographers who have mint studios or houses setup for indoor shoots because I just don’t have that. Work in progress I guess. So went it with…