Category: portraits & headshots

  • Tristan & the Soskas

    This is a case of rad humans doing rad things. The Soska Sisters are movie directors and actresses. Just to give you an idea of their radness, a few days after the shoot I was chatting with Jen who said she was just at a farm practicing how to be put on fire. Tristan Risk…

  • Olivia Martin & Her Bassoon

    Perhaps it’s just the music I’m listening to right now, but when a friend that I’ve shot before in a creative setting comes to me for some headshots (typically photographs used to get gigs and promote things in print), it makes me incredibly grateful. To me it says, more then with just words of flattery,…

  • Jet | Audrey Hipturn

    Every time Audrey Hipturn (fb, instagram) and I brainstorm a shoot, it’s a dream. She’s got creative ideas and great suggestions and does the extra little bit to make the shoot magic. It’s always such a pleasure to work with her, and it makes me a bit sad that her and her partner have moved…

  • Blonde in Black | Analissa Longoria

    Analissa Longoria is a fellow photographer who’ve I’ve been lucky enough to call my friend. She has a unique eye that’s studied far more then I have of the nuances and styles of some of the legends. I admire her vision and respect her own style that is emerging from her exploration. And I managed…

  • Audrey Hepburn’s Not Dead

    Her stage name is Audrey Hipturn (fb), cause she’s fancy like that. I’ve been lucky enough to photograph her a few times now that she’s relocated to Vancouver. I don’t think there’s anybody else I shoot who comes as close to shooting pinup as shooting with Audrey does. The last shoot we did I had…