Great Pyrenees Puppies

It’s been fascinating watching these little puppies grow over the last few weeks. They’ve gone from little sacs with unopened eyes, to jolly little roley poley creatures lapping at your heels to see what goodness might come of it.

We have 15 of them. It is typical for the breed of Great Pyrenees to have 6 – 9 puppies, so we have definitely got a very very large litter. They just seemed to keep coming out of her. We definitely weren’t expecting it as we had been doing everything we could to stop her from getting bred, and it wasn’t until the last few days before she gave birth where I started to notice her teets dropping and said: “I think Rosie’s going to have puppies.”

Well, here they are.

a puddle of great pyrenees puppies
sleeping great pyrenees puppies
adorable puddle of great pyrenees puppies
stretching pile of great pyrenees puppies
up close sleeping great pyrenees puppy
two sleeping great pyrenees puppies
two dog pile great pyrenees puppies
sleeping great pyrenees puppies
two closeup great pyrenees puppies
two great pyrenees puppies held
Crystal surveying hungry great pyrenees puppies
Rosie feeding great pyrenees puppies while standing up
yawning great pyrenees puppy
curious great pyrenees puppy
two curious great pyrenees puppies
roaming great pyrenees puppies
yawning great pyrenees puppies
a corner of great pyrenees puppies
a sitting great pyrenees puppy
a wobbly great pyrenees puppy
a wall of great pyrenees puppies
resting great pyrenees puppies
satisfied great pyrenees puppy
walking away great pyrenees puppy

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