I thought that I had lost these photos somewhere when I had moved to Europe for half a year, but then I realized I just had them mixed in with some photographs of flowers! Well, I guess it’s fitting since Lola Frost and I did take a walk in the park, and we did do a photoshoot in the park.
It was actually quite funny while doing this shoot, as many people kept walking right through the shoot. First, as we pulled up, there was a lacrosse team in the box practicing.. They all lined up along the fence to watch as Lola walked by, it was quite awesome. Next, a lady on her bicycle biked right between Lola and I as I was shooting. Lastly, two girls walked through the baseball field and were making cat calls and whistling the whole way. Oh what fun times in the park!
For those of you that don’t know, Lola is one of the queens behind Sweet Soul Burlesque, and Vancouver Burlesque Center where some of the most amazing women reside. Check them out. Also, Lola and I have done a few shoots before. If you’re a return customer of this site you’ll remember in the studio, or the after dark shoot, or on the train tracks…
This shot was done entirely with my 50mm prime, and I had one off camera flash that I triggered with my Cowboy Studio NPT-04 FM Radio Trigger, but this was only used to fill in a bit of shadows as some of them were vicious. I’m also just trying to learn what I like!